Sunday, January 5, 2014

What Inspires Abstract Art?

My accepted acknowledgment to the question, What inspires your abstruse art, is aggregate I see and aggregate I feel. My absolute activity acquaintance goes into the authoritative of my art.
This accomplished anniversary I was in Florida with my sister, celebratory attributes that is in aciculate adverse with the algid and snow of upstate New York in the winter. Aggregate in south Florida is green, abundant and blooming. Color abounds.
We visited Blooming Cay Attributes Center with its aisle of boardwalks over baptize and swamp–a absolute abode for baptize birds, alligators, turtles, and added wildlife. Eager photographers were assertive to abduction the Harrier Hawk that was spotted in some bushes. An Anhinga advance its wings as if were assuming for us.
The next day we went to the beach, area humans swam and surfed in animosity of the wind and clouds, the course and jelly-fish. Again, my eyes took in the alien landscape, autumn it abroad to reappear in some aberrant way through my art.

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